Monday, January 02, 2006

Ah, winter in Montreal!

Greetings from Montreal, where it’s currently minus 15 degrees.

I happen to know that it’s minus 15 degrees because not 20 minutes ago, as I was chipping icicles from my eyelid so that I could look through the camera’s viewfinder, a helpful person opened a window and called out, “Espese d’idiot! Qu’est-ce que tu fais dehors? Il doit faire moin quinze degrés!"

In case you don’t speak French, this translates, loosely, to, “Kind sir, I hope you are warm enough because the temperature is currently minus 15 degrees.” At least that’s what my assistant Gil tells me.

I like Montreal. People are nice here.

But right now, I think you should think about visiting Arizona.

Remember those commercials I shot for Arizona tourism? Well, they’re running.

I want those spots to work.

Not that I don’t think they’ll work. The ad agency (Moses Anshell) does exceptionally fine advertising and I’m not just saying that because they hired me to direct this campaign of spots.

But after having scouted and shot all over the state from Tuscon to Lake Powell, I can say with some authority that Arizona is a magnificent place. The kind of place that not only deserves to have lots of people come visit, but happens to have plenty of wide open spaces to put them in.

Vast and not cold, that's Arizona. Even the ice in your margarita can't get down to minus 15 degrees.

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