Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Well it ain't Cleveland, but then, what is, really?

If you couldn't make it out to the Ohio Independent Film Festival last month, you missed a rolicking good time. Or so I hear. I couldn't make it either, seeing as it was my anniversary and as much as I love Cleveland, I love my wife more.

The good news is that you get another chance to see 'Burning Passion', my film about a guy who ejaculates fire. It'll be playing December 4th in the Novita Film Festival in New York.

If you're keeping track, that makes this the 31st film festival that has seen fit to invite 'Burning Passion' to screen. And while I can't guess whether it'll win anything, the film has already won three Gold Awards, three Audience Awards, two Screenwriting Awards, and a Best Directorial Debut.

By my calculations, that gives 'Burning Passion' a longer run-- with more critical acclaim--than 'Van Helsing', a film which deals with many of the same themes, only they managed to spend more than thirty-two hundred times as much to do it.

If you want to see the film ('Burning Passion', not 'Van Helsing') get yourself over to 288 Elizabeth Street at 5:20 on Sunday, December 4th. I won't be able to make it, so if you're the first person to convince the festival organizers that you're me, you'll not only get in to see the film for free, you'll get two all-access passes that will get you into every film in the festival as well as all the parties.

You might be expected to say a few words after the screening.

I suggest mentioning my being Apple's Featured Artist--the iCard site is still up, by the way, and if you're getting into the movie for free, the least you can do is tell people to dink over to〈=en and send my mom another iCard.

(Hmm. For some reason, the computer puts a square in there where there's supposed to be '〈'. Look. It did it again. How weird.)

Oh. One more thing. If you sent an iCard to the MacArthur Foundation on my behalf, thanks. I may never get one of those genius grants, but at least now they've heard of me.

Here's the link to The Apple iCard Featured Artist Site in case you want to check it out yourself or copy down the URL without that weird square thing happening.

As usual, if you don't want to receive these sporadic updates, please hit the Safe Unsubscribe link and I promise not to send you any more. Really. I hate spam too.

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