Tuesday, January 18, 2005

My work exhibited in the High and Dry Photography Show

Thought you might be interested to know that I was recently invited to show some of my photography work in the High and Dry Photography Show.

The show is a photographic exhibition of landscapes & peoples of the world's dry lands, and the work I contributed was shot in Namibia, among the Himba tribe. The show is going to close on January 21st, so if you're in the Lubbock area before then, stop by the International Cultural Center at Texas Tech and take a look.They're at 601 Indiana Ave.

Of course, you can always go to my site and see a bunch of my photo work, along with other stuff that I find really interesting and maybe you will too. (The site is still under construction, so please don't be too hard on it. But the intro is pretty cool.)

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