Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Belefant reduces staff by 40%.

April 8, 2009

Citing the ‘recession that won’t go away’, Belefant, a commercial production company based in Portland, Oregon, announced today that it is reducing staff by 40%.

“It’s not as drastic as it sounds,” explains Brian Belefant, trying to put a positive spin on the announcement. “People aren’t getting let go and nobody’s salary is being reduced.” The reduction is in the hours people will put in. Effective immediately, all staff are being required to take two days off a week.

“At times like these it’s easy to forget why we do what we do,” explains Belefant. “We’re craftsmen. We live to create. Getting caught up in where the next job is coming from or how we’re going to make payroll doesn’t make us better at what we do. It makes us worse.” Because of that, all staff members will immediately be required to use two of every five days creating something.

“I don’t care what you make, just as long as you make something.” As for himself, Belefant intends to focus on several projects. “I haven’t been as dedicated to my writing and photography as I’d like,” says Belefant, who writes several blogs, including The 60 Second Director, which provides quick lessons in directing for up-and-coming directors. He’s also a celebrated fine art photographer, known for shooting through liquids relevant to the subject being photographed.

Belefant explains that the company is particularly well-positioned to survive a protracted slump. “We learned a lot from the last recession. Our move to Portland from LA two and a half years ago drastically reduced our overhead.”

The reductions will not immediately affect Belefant’s offices in the historic Ford Building, where huge picture windows flood the spacious offices with north light. Nor will the company’s fleet of vehicles be reduced. As a matter of fact, the 15-year-old Trek bicycle that Belefant uses for daily commuting is likely to have its front suspension replaced.

“At a time when agencies are shuttering all around, no matter how hard we work we can’t conjure commercials to direct,” muses Belefant. “What we can do is hone our talents. When work comes in, we’ll be in a much better position to do it.”

For more information, please telephone Brian Belefant at (503) 715 2852 or send an email to Don’t bother calling Tuesday or Thursday.


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