Monday, October 17, 2005

News from the MacArthur Foundation

I know how many people have been eagerly waiting for the MacArthur Foundation's announcement that I'd been awarded a Genius Grant (I love you too, Mom). And I finally have news. Both good news and bad news.

The bad news is that--once again--the MacArthur Foundation saw fit to pass me over for one of their spiffy, million-dollar grants.

Oh well.

The good news is that Apple has chosen me to be their Featured Artist for their iCards.

This means that millions of people can now send virtual postcards over the internet using images I created.

You could send a condolence iCard to my mom. She'd appreciate that ( And you can send one to the MacArthur Foundation (try

Just dink over to〈=en.

As usual, if you don't want to receive these sporadic updates, please hit the Safe Unsubscribe link and I promise not to send you any more. Really. I hate spam too.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Like you need another excuse to visit Cleveland

We all keep talking about it, but for one reason or another, we never seem to get around to booking that trip to Cleveland.

Well now we have no excuse. 'Burning Passion', my film about a guy who discovers at 14 that he ejaculates fire, has been invited to play in the 2005 Ohio Independent Film Festival.

The festival runs from November 6th through the 13th and I would recommend going for the entire week.

If you can only make it for one day, 'Burning Passion' screens on November 12th at the Cleveland Public Theatre, which is located at 6415 Detroit Road. The screening starts at noon.

If you want more information about 'Burning Passion' or any of my other work--or you just want to check out my snappy new website design--visit There's a ink down there underneath my phone number that you can click on to get there.

And if you want more information about the festival, go to Tell you what. I'll see if I can embed a link to their site down below.

Try this one:

Hmm. Didn't work. Oh well.

As usual, if you don't want to receive these sporadic updates, please hit the Safe Unsubscribe link and I promise not to send you any more. Really. I hate spam too.