Wednesday, June 15, 2005

My contact in Istanbul

I've always wanted to say that. My contact in Istanbul. Sounds like a secret agent thing.

Anyway. The money's in place and I'm off to shoot my documentary on American expats. First stop, Turkey.
I'll be there for almost the entire month of July, and in between visitng the baths, eating imam bayildi, blowing glass, and haggling over carpets, I plan to break out the camera and spend an occasional hour or two interviewing ex-Americans about their lives--the ones they have now and the ones they left behind.

So two things:

1) if you know any ex-Americans living in Turkey, I could use more subjects. Please either give me their contact information or give them mine. E-mail works best for me because...

2) I'm going to be almost totally incomunicado. I might check my e-mail every few days, but don't even count on that. If you want to reach me, either do it before I leave or wait until I get back.

Meaning late August. I'm going to be directing an ad campaign for Arizona tourism first thing when I get back, so I won't be back when I get back, at least not entirely.

By the way, if you don't know anybody in Turkey, but you know ex-Americans in other parts of the world, please pass their names along to me too. After Turkey, we're talking about visiting Mexico, Argentina, and France.

I know. I truly do have the best job in the world.

Oh. One more thing. The raven flies at midnight.

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